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Monday, October 13, 2008

Winter 2008 Curry's Chronicle Deadline - October 31, 2008!

Well hello all you C4OAers!

I just wanted to remind those of you viewing the blogsite that the deadline for article and letter to the editor submissions for the winter 2008 issue of Curry's Chronicle is October 31, 2008.

So, if you have news, stories, or information you're dying to share with fellow Carson City enthusiasts, or maybe a word of praise to the editor about the last issue, please make the effort and send in your typed submissions to (For further instructions and options regarding how to submit articles to Curry's Chronicle, please reference the FYI pages in your most recent issue.)

Many thanks to all those who have already contributed their articles and letters to the editor for the winter 2008 edition, and we look forward to those yet to come!


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