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Monday, June 30, 2008


Greetings C4OA members. I just recieved my new issue of coin world today (July 7, 2008) and read with interest a nice article (page 77) written by CW staff member Cindy Brake. she makes many references to quotes by our own Rusty Goe. she also mentions his great book James Crawford Master of the Mint at Carson City - A Short Full Life. At the end of her 2nd paragraph in the article, Cindy mistakenly states that "In total 57 different coins would be issued" ( by the Carson mint). Of course we all know that 57 coins is the correct total for the three gold denominations but she was refering to the total gold and silver coin output which we also all know to be 111 coins. Other than that, Cindy wrote a nice article here and provided some nice pictures as well. those include: The "CC" mint circa 1879, weighing scales housed in the NV State Museum, obverse & reverse of an 1870-CC seated dollar - 1884-CC $20 - 1870-CC $20 - 1876-CC twenty center & the one and only (as in unique) 1873-CC without arrows dime. All in all, a nice article by Cindy.


Oldnewbie said...

I haven't subscribed to Coin World for a while. I was thinking about the online version. Does anyone have any opinions on hard copy vs. online?

Carson-ite said...

Coin World sends its subscribers a hard copy of its publication each week and allows them access to the online version all for the same price. You don't even need to choose one option over the other these days.

GarryN said...

Sometimes the online version is difficult to read. I have had instances when an entire page would not come up, so part of a column was not visible. Other times a page took forever to upload. You cant beat a hard copy of something to read sometimes.