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Monday, August 13, 2007

Time for the Fun to Begin!

Hello Everybody! I want to invite all C4OA members to request an invitation to join this new club blogsite. You will have the information in the next issue of Curry's Chronicle, which you will be receiving during the first two weeks in September. If you can't wait, just contact us at Southgate Coins, either by phone, by email or through our website.

In no time at all I want all sorts of messages about everything related to the Carson City Mint posted on this blogsite; and I want all C4OA members that participate to begin replying to one another through posts and comments. And, oh yeah, by the way, I want some neat pictures posted on this blogsite, too.

Let's get it going!


C4OA Membership Services

1 comment:

The Drummer said...

OK..I know that this is an older post, but I feel like commenting about it so here goes. We are just getting going on this, our C4OA blogsite, but I feel like it's finally taking off. Of course, we need more members to join the fun but we have had 2 new joiners (myself included) in just the past few days. A site like this is precious & valuable. let's use it!