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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

C4OA Meeting at ANA in MILWAUKEE

Some of the members of the c4oa were at the annual c4oa meeting in Miliwaukee. We all got to meet our member from Japan. I included a picture of him in the blog below. Rusty gave a short talk about the club and our new blogsite. Then Weimar White spoke about his collection of " CC" coins and also about coin preservation. On a sad note I learned that Treasurer Paul Sudmeier had bypass surgery---all of us c4oa members wish him a speedy recovery. Members of the c4oa that want to get on the blogsite to post messages, images, etc. can contact me at so I can give you the link to go online, I encourage all members to use the blogsite.

Jeff, Rusty, Tom, Weimar and Darrell

1 comment:

The Drummer said...

I missed this one and am I ever sorry that I did. Pictured here in Milwaukee are a few friends Tom, Jeff and Rusty) who along with myself were at the 1st Comstock Seminar in Carson City, Gold Hill & Virginia City Nevada last October.