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Friday, May 1, 2009

Update on the Summer 2009 Curry's Chronicle

Fellow C4OAers,

All of the article and letter to the editor submissions are in for the summer 2009 Curry’s Chronicle! We’re now in crunch-time, where we edit, arrange, and layout the journal before we send it off to the printer. We’ll be working hard for the next two weeks, so you can enjoy this upcoming Chronicle just as much as the last issue!

Hope you’re having a wonderful first-day-of-May,



The Drummer said...

Thank you Maya. I'm looking forward to my copy as always!
"Mine that Bird!"...50 to 1!... wow!!! If only I would've laid down a bundle, I could've bought one of my dream "CC" coins!

GarryN said...

Another issue right on schedule. I am looking forward to seeing my article. Should be fun! Next time I will get a photo in there too. We need more photos in the Chronicle.