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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Great News "Curry's Chronicle" Readers!

The Numismatic Literary Guild has released the winners of the annual writer’s competition for 2007, and guess what fabulous club made the list? That’s right, our very own Carson City Coin Collectors of America Club!

We actually won two awards out of the three offered for small publications in the category of Non-Profit or Club Numismatic Magazines. The first is Best Issue, Small Publication for the Winter 2006 edition of the journal. As well as Best Article, Small Publication for Rusty Goe’s article on Value-Added Coins from the Carson City Mint which appeared in the Fall 2006 journal.

C4OA members alike should all take pride in this wonderful news from the NLG. Being awarded two out of the three awards in the respected category says a lot about the quality of our publications and the members who contribute to it. So with that I say, “Congratulations!!!”
To view all the winners included in this year’s writing competition please visit the NLG website at

Amy Williams, Membership Services


The Drummer said...

Hi C4OA members! Rusty sure does deserve those prestigious awards for his fabulous articles. I'd give anything (except my fave CC coins!) to be able to write like that! The day will come when one of us members will win a writing award for one of our articles in Curry's Chronicle, we just have to keep sending them in.

The Drummer said...

Thank you for publishing my article in the latest Curry's. Article; "My real world set of 19 CC $5" It was nice to see in print. Without our Chronicle this would not have been possible. It is such a gift to us, as is this blog site. members, let's use it!