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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Questions Regarding Receiving Invitations to this Blogsite

In the spirit of “blogging for dummies,” I would like to explain the dynamics of participating on this blogsite. First, let me go over the basic definitions of some blogsite lingo:

Blog: Literally, “blog” is a shortened form of “weblog,” which is a series of online postings by one or more authors. Blogs usually have a feature that allows viewers to comment on the topics discussed.

Right now, the Web site you are on is a blog, or blogsite.

Post: A post is what one or more authors (C4OA members, in this case) contribute to a blogsite. This is the actual mini-article you write and publish within the blogsite.

Right now, the text you are reading is in the form of a post, which I just published on the blogsite.

Comment: A comment is an afterthought, or an addition to a post. Comments can be published by anyone, even if the person isn’t a registered author on the blogsite.

Basically, you comment on a post, and you post on a blogsite.

Recently, I have received some questions about problems that members have encountered with accessing this blogsite, so I will explain how you can participate on this blogsite:

Become a Member of the Carson City Coin Collectors of America.

Sign up for Google account. You will need to have a Google Account in order for your Invitation Link to work. The C4OA blogsite is on Google’s “Blogger” platform, so only Google Accounts will work with it.

Request an Invitation Link from a Club Administrator at,, or (If you don’t receive an invitation after emailing one of these addresses, please try another one. Remember, these are the email addresses of volunteers within the club, and they might not always check their email or they might be on vacation.)

This invitation will come from Google’s “Blogger,” so be aware that it will NOT come as a reply from the volunteer you originally emailed! And it will not come from the C4OA.

Add a Post! All you need to do is click the “Sign In” button at the top, use your Google Account information and password to sign in, and you will be brought to your “Blogger Dashboard.” In the Dashboard, you can view whatever blogs you are apart of, and if you click “New Post,” it will allow you to post a mini-article to our blogsite. When it’s posted, other members will be able to comment on your writing.

Hopefully, this clears up some of the issues members have encountered recently, such as not being able to post articles onto the blogsite.

If you’ve struggled through all the steps required to register on the blogsite, and you’re having issues when attempting to post something, please remember that you can email your questions and concerns to (Make sure you set your spam filters in your email account to allow this address to reply to you!)

Concerning Curry’s Chronicle
We’re in the midst of proofing the summer 2009 Curry’s Chronicle, and it looks like it will be shipped right on schedule! You can expect to receive your copy around the first week of June.

Enjoy these spring months while they last!


1 comment:

Belay Off said...

Thanks Maya!! Good stuff!

Another great "GTM" - Go To Maya, opportunity for all us C4OA blogging dummies.

Belay Off